Stop or go. Negative or positive. Passive or active. Even as ‘victims’ of the greatest crime in history, our most fundamental choice remains. Stop means to wallow in tortured disbelief at the injustice, the psychological assault, the malevolent mendacity of it all - passively awaiting the next outrage and submitting to the victim’s role assigned to us. Go means to seek out, acknowledge and revel in every blessed, life-affirming, illicit moment of beauty, inspiration and cheeky revolt - embracing every opportunity of connection and freedom, while marvelling at the endless outpouring of human genius that miraculously continues to envelop us. Every moment affords the opportunity to make our choice again.
The Great Crime relies on a cult(ure) of universal deceit which has seen the abdication of all remaining vestiges of journalistic integrity in the mainstream. Creation, colour, integrity and heart have no place in the new wall-to-wall grey fearscape. Anyone seeking information, analysis, inspiration or even entertainment in the wasteland of the modern corporate media is looking the wrong way. Don’t feed those trolls. Hollywood’s glossy spell is over. But, no matter; the cycle of birth and death continues. Nature and the humane heart find a way, just as wild poppies will spring up in the cracks of even the smartest of cities to torment and mock the technocratic dream.
One of the most obvious benefits of living through the Great Crime is that we’ve clearly entered a golden age of independent journalism. The quality and range of research, analysis and discussion that daily gushes forth is breathtaking. Ideas are flying, cascading and transforming - perhaps quicker than ever before. A world of inspiration and opportunity awaits those who are willing to enter this brave new mosh pit - at their own risk. For, in this ideological free-for-all, we never know what unapproved or repugnant thoughts we might find ourselves bumping up against - which articles of faith might be swinging about in our neighbour’s handbag. This risk - portrayed in establishment circles as far more dangerous than any virus - would never have been dreamt of, nor even permitted, in the strict ideological segmentation of the corporate media sphere. In a poet’s heart, however, the burgeoning constellations and possibilities thus created are cause for all manner of wild new hopes to spring eternal.
Truth seekers and speakers are emerging, as rebellion sheds its shallow and egoic facade. The field of battle is littered with the pathetic zombified remnants of fallen 'rebels' who, as it transpires, were never more than posturing narcissists. The veil has lifted - they have quickly proven themselves inadequate for the task. So the mighty looking have fallen. The battle has been swift, merciless and decisive, and the revelation that - surprise, surprise - the most vocal nonconformists really did protest too much is still a shock to those who always - though quietly - possessed the integrity, courage and deeper survival instinct to withstand social pressure and hold true to principle and to life. Now dissent begins to reveal its true meaning - one of such profundity, such deep resonance and weight - that it is hard to overstate. All previous convictions are reframed as the source of all conviction emerges from the human heart. A rebirth of humanity's true spirit is not only possible - it is the only possible humane response to the terrible, tedious and incessant onslaught of the 'final revolution' envisaged by the globalist technocrats. The fearsome shadow cast by their rapidly expanding death-star construction project could never hope to quench such a glorious and elemental force.
As the dust settles for a moment, we turn to those standing beside us; those still able to speak cohesively, rationally and compassionately; those who can look us in the eye and reveal their smile; those who keenly feel the onslaught upon our youth as the most unforgivable wrong, while the zombies continue to brush it off nonchalantly. What we are witnessing is the emergence of the most incredibly unlikely rebel alliance imaginable. The ultimate common cause is uniting conservatives, liberals, anarchists, the apolitical, nationalists, conspiracy theorists, libertarians, religious and new age believers, socialists, hippies, contrarians, capitalists, even communists and fascists - whether or not we see it, or like to see it. There’s no time to think it through. Humanity’s fate is clearly in our hands. As this realisation dawns, a newfound and deep respect nudges at our conscience; facades falter, and decades of built-up enmity and projection come into question. If you recognise this moment, then let’s savour it together. Let’s seek out the humility to overcome preconceptions and ossified positions, recognising our true tribe as it reveals and finds itself in all its divergent majesty. Any egoic or intellectual need to define ourselves through predetermined principles is fading into redundancy. Our actions prove our kinship. Let’s witness our brethren for the very first time.
I’ve always felt it as a weakness of mine that I held to no settled political philosophy. Now, witnessing my strange new brothers in arms blinking blankly at each other in the cold new dawn, my ideological cowardliness is starting to feel like wisdom after all. I find myself in the happy position, unshackled by dogma, of recognising the beauty, truth and wisdom of these disparate and opposing beliefs. The truth is that whatever happens in the years ahead, any attachment to an idea is unlikely to help us through - if it ever did. Perhaps all these worldviews had an expiry date somewhere around March 2020. Perhaps the ‘extreme centrism’ of the Great Crime threatens to eclipse them all in its fluffy death grip. Perhaps the ‘great’ reset has inadvertently been the cause of an actual great reset. In any case, we political agnostics may have a valuable perspective to offer in this rapidly evolving scenario. A long and difficult road awaits our motley crew and every advantage is welcome; every moment offering the eternal and decisive choice: Stop or go.
What an awesome piece of writing. I've been away from the screens for 7 days, this in my inbox today has been an inspiration. Thank you.
Albeit a female from a different generation from the other end of the world, I feel closer to you when reading your texts than to many of the people around me. You have put into words so precisely and beautifully what has been simmering inside me for some time. Thank you for that!