What an awesome piece of writing. I've been away from the screens for 7 days, this in my inbox today has been an inspiration. Thank you.

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@Starr I agree. Courage is essential. I disagree about "critical thinking". That's redundant. Thinking is already critical. Either one thinks or one does not. So there is no such thing as critical thinking. There is such a thing as "independent thinking", however. That, and courage, are imperative in these sinister times.

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The old L/R paradigm (a construct of the ruling class to divide the working class) is dead! Long live the new paradigm!...whatever the fuck it is.

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Albeit a female from a different generation from the other end of the world, I feel closer to you when reading your texts than to many of the people around me. You have put into words so precisely and beautifully what has been simmering inside me for some time. Thank you for that!

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This piece gave me goosebumps. I, too, am politically agnostic and find it exceptionally liberating to be unshackled from the ingroup/outgroup biases that come with allegiance to a particular tribe. Humility is crucial, I agree, as we seek out the truth unfettered by blinding certainties. I also have been deeply moved to see people across the entire political spectrum rising above what I described as "the artificial partitions erected to divide us" in my recent piece, "With Thanks to You, You Magnificent Dappled Beings" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/with-thanks-to-you-you-magnificent). Even as I feel despair at the psychopathic juggernaut grinding at light speed toward our destruction, I feel optimism at witnessing people awakening from their inculcation and joining in the resistance to tyranny.

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