What Is Natural Law? Part V
Supremacism, the impossibility of external authority, and why I won't stop going on about Natural Law.
External authority is false. Natural Law provides no moral basis for any claim of authority over another - nor for outsourcing or abdicating one’s inherent self-authority. Domination and submission violate Free Will Right. The demented fantasy of legitimate external authority serves only to feed the ego’s impossible dialectic twin desires: annihilation and godhood. When individuals feign submission to external authority, they can only do so by exercising while pretending to negate their inherent and immutable self-authority, which is oxymoronic and impossible. There can be no abdication of intrinsic Sovereignty.
When humanity finally tires of this tragic game of submission and dominion, the ‘safe word’ will be: “Natural Law”, meaning: no masters and no slaves; or a state of AN(without)ARCH(ruler)Y; a condition that cannot possibly be imposed, but only evolved into through the widespread recognition and reclamation of inherent Sovereignty, or, as Mark Passio has called it, ‘internal monarchy’. The false definition of anarchy - ’chaos’ - that is hammered into our consciousness to overlay and obfuscate the True, literal, meaningis a case study in perception management, obfuscation and social engineering in itself.
Statism is the belief that human slavery is necessary and must continue indefinitely in order to prevent chaos.
~ Mark Passio
Over generations, populations become conditioned to accept the dark mass hallucination of external authority as inevitable and moral. This conditioning is maintained through manufactured fear and the thinly veiled threat of violence enacted by order-followers; those most willing to ignore or deny the reality of their own actual and inherent moral culpability; the dim-witted and damaged, the Careless and the psychopathic.
Supremacists, ‘kings’ and eugenics enthusiasts claim legitimate authority over others due to inborn, inherent or ‘apparent’ superiority. But which is truly superior: he who enslaves the most or he who frees the most? Regardless, superiority - whether real or imagined - can have no bearing on the Free Will Right of others under Natural Law.
In this age a more familiar yet mysterious apparition claims monopoly on the legitimate use of violence in your town, street and anywhere you might seek refuge: the phantom that all live in dread and thrall of and pay tribute to, but which no one has ever yet seen: the ‘state’. The claim of legitimate violence made on its behalf is a meaningless circular argument: Its violence is justified only by its willingness to resort to violence (as well as threat, coercion, deception, manipulation and worse).
Under Natural Law this claim is laughably illegitimate on its face, having no possible moral justification other than the fake ‘consent of the governed’, which could never legitimise violation of the Free Will Right of the unconsenting. The lethal charade of the ‘state’ is a direct and flagrant violation and expropriation of Free Will Right. Free Will Right and the state can never co-exist.
The ‘state’, like any legally incorporated ‘entity’, is the hollow mechanical effigy of a tyrant; a ‘hungry ghost’ which performs to perfection the role of a crazed, cruel and bloodthirsty despot - but with the plausible deniability inherent in not actually existing. Corporations are codified shells resulting from centuries of following the demented ‘amoral code’ referred to above: “Anything goes and may the worst man win”. The worst men have long since discovered the convenience of contriving these effigies, which allow them to do their ‘winning’ unseen.
This sorry premise underlying our worldview is inextricably intertwined with our conception of external authority - our mass hallucination. We know and tacitly agree that Careless people will keep getting away with doing Careless things - on our watch. This is Carelessness. Collusion with Evil is Evil - bringing with it the full weight of Natural Law. This is exactly what is wrong with our world - and why we deserve nothing while we collectively collude and collaborate.
Through fear and lack of True Care, we deny our innate response ability. We are in a self-abuse cycle. Humanity’s failure to align with Natural Law created ‘the elite’ global mafia and sustains them. We are not victims. We are choosing this.
The only problem in the universe is my lack of action aligned with True Care.
To take the path to to freedom - to enlightenment - to heaven - requires sincerity, energy, commitment, determination. The courage to face massive discomfort and engage with our own trauma and delusion. This cannot be avoided by those who want to know Truth and who understand that with Free Will comes moral culpability.
If any of you should wish to act out of love, brothers, do not imagine it to be a self-abasing, passive and timid thing. Love should be fervent to correct.
~ Aurelius Augustine
Without such Love - without True Care, hope is lost. We possess an innate ability and moral obligation to respond appropriately to a deluded world. But all the hardest work is internal, and no one can do this work for another.
True understanding of Nature’s Law brings clarity. In a deluded and corrupted age, consistent Right Action in the everyday lower realm is close to impossible. Genuine and lasting remedy will only be found through Right Action taken in the higher realm.
Such action, representing the creation of True value, takes only two forms, corresponding to the feminine and masculine aspects of the self. Both forms require immense courage.
Being prepared to learn, reason and reject falsity in order to reach towards a correct understanding of reality. Abandoning and firmly rejecting the false sanctuary of the egoic shell of assumed postural ‘beliefs’, in favour of the only true safety: Right and Truth. This is the sometimes agonising internal process of enlightenment, sometimes referred to as ‘shadow work’; getting over one’s false self-image and crappy ideas and admitting we were wrong or too scared to even look at the Truth. Loving Truth above the ego.
Enlightenment is a destructive process: the crumbling away of untruth; seeing through the facade of pretence; the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.
~ Adyashanti
When delusion is the problem, speaking is the solution. Words are action - and they are the only appropriate action when seeking universal enlightenment. Much as we have been conditioned to devalue philosophy and dialogue and to long for something more dynamic and palpable, there is no higher or ultimately more effective ‘action’ than speaking Truth. Requiring compassion, wit, creativity and infinite patience, this is the practice of wisdom and rhetoric; speaking plainly or artfully to foster and nurture True Care and the understanding of Natural Law in others. Such action requires us to overcome fear of rejection, ridicule, disparagement - overcoming egoic concerns and aligning with the higher self and with True value.
Ultimately, such action is concerned with Right cause, and cannot be overly attached to the realm of effects. Causes made in the higher realm may not appear to impact on the lower realm at all. Actions in the higher realm are akin to the energy that turns the tide, while the lower realm of everyday effects is like the waves. Adding our voice to the effort builds towards the inevitability of Truth turning the tide and delusion melting away in time - but the frustrations, ugliness, injustice and horror of the age will sustain long into this shift. Right action in the higher realm is directed at turning the tide - not calming the waves.
The voice does the Buddha’s work
~ Zhiyi
True Care is what naturally leads to these two forms of Right Action - which are the only path towards a Truly enlightened age; an age of True Care.
Enlightenment begins with the recognition of innate and immutable moral response ability. Seeking to remind others of their moral response ability is one such moral response ability. Those who truly Care to follow their moral obligation to seek Truth will eventually reveal this deeper moral obligation - to teach it. Hence, a true student of Natural Law is a teacher of Natural Law. There is only one path that leads out of our collective delusion, and one course of action we can personally take that has any hope of shifting the age: seeking to enlighten fellow humane beings to the reality of The Law.
The teaching of morality leads to an understanding of moral culpability and the infinite power inherent in Free Will - the infinite worth of the individual. While humanity remains deluded, with no understanding of The Law, we can’t know Right or fight for Right. We can’t know Truth or justice. We can’t embody even a fraction of our limitless potential. Right Action is seen as pointless, meaningless or impossible - and we sink ever further into ignorance, chaos, suffering and enslavement. Without comprehending our moral birthright, humanity appears defeated; lost in hopeless confusion and surrender. Without any general understanding or conception of The Law, there can be no order - we are without bearings. Only the Truth can transform chaos and restore tranquillity. Only with the widespread foundational understanding of The Law - of Right, Wrong, and the innate and immutable response ability we each have to know them apart and to act accordingly - can humanity remember how to be humane.
True Care is not merely an option or an occasional added bonus. It is every genuinely humane being’s defining characteristic and the only option for the survival, flourishing and unviolated freedom of humanity.
We didn't love freedom enough. We had no awareness of the real situation. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
To know and not to act is not to know.
~ Wang Yangming
This brings my “What Is Natural Law?” series to an end. I’ve begun work on a new piece exploring my conception of Free Will Right and its relation to property and ethics.
Below are links for my latest ‘New Moon Tune’. All my creative and philosophical efforts are offered freely. Your one-off and especially recurring contributions - however small - make a huge impact on my ability to focus energy creatively. You can do that here:
Thank you for reading. I hope I’ve clarified some things for you, or at least given you something to reflect on. Dialogue is always welcome.
New Moon Tune II:
Watch This! (Does The Sun Really Shine For Me?)
This is my first tune to legitimately have an exclamation and a question mark in the title!? The title does make sense if you listen to the whole 13 minutes!?
Contains recordings of Mark Passio and callers to the What On Earth Is Happening Podcast.
I walked up to the sun I said "Hey there,
Even though I'm just a li'l cosmic baby,
When I get the Truth I preach it on the daily
Ain't gonna let a heavy cloud phase me
In this incarnation I've been a li'l lazy
Neither 1st class or 2nd even grade 3
When I look for inspiration can you blame me
But that's all passed and now I got something to say, see?
And I know that the sun would never lie
Must be doing something right or why provide
All the warmth all the love of your light
You give it all then you rest in the night...
Does the sun really shine for me!?"
If you feel inspired to join others in discussing and promoting the understanding of Natural Law, you can join my Telegram group here: Europa Natural Law Telegram Group
And follow our weekly roundtable discussions here: Europa Natural Law YouTube channel
All my links:
Wonderful writing Nemo. I have already shared these articles with others.
Greetings from Ireland.
Thanks Nemo that was a really clear conclusion. Here is a link to an interesting 4 way discussion hosted by Geopolitics and Empire, 'Boetie², Bueckert, Cudenec: Anarchism & Voluntaryism as Resistance Against Globalist Criminocracy', https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaJLbxiW0Ms&t=1s which amplifies your analysis.