What Is Natural Law? Part IV
Dark Care, the Hallucination of Separation, and Tyranny: The Egoic Game.
In an age as morally barren as ours, The Law is barely known. The effects of this chronic lack of knowledge and of True Care - this direct collusion with Evil through humanity’s actions and inactions - are increasingly palpable in the material realm.
True unviolated freedom has barely existed in our known history - due primarily to the hallucination of legitimate external authority bolstered by the enactment or threat of violence carried out by order followers. But we live in an age of a different order. The tyrannical impulse is globalising fast towards what has been termed ‘the final revolution’. This is a natural progression: ever deeper immorality and Carelessness leading towards ever more methodical and complete enslavement. Egotism leading to atomisation. To restate Mark Passio’s brilliant insight:
As Morality increases, Freedom increases.
As Morality declines, Freedom declines.
~ Mark Passio
Given the general abject lack of moral understanding, then, it is no surprise that we find ourselves on the brink of an even darker age:
The totalitarian threat of our age is the move toward a global technocratic biosecurity state predicated on complete control of every human down to the genomic level. Although, perhaps, a mere extension of the age-old quest for domination that has motivated every would-be tyrant throughout history, this iteration of the dream - fuelled as it is by technologies that even Orwell could never have dreamed of - represents the greatest peril that the human species has ever faced.
~ James Corbett
The totalitarian impulse substitutes dark care for True Care. The dominating impulse and the submissive impulse are both driven by fear of the inherent response ability inherent in Free Will Right. We are so traumatized and dehumanised that we only know submission and domination - it feels like ‘order’ to us. There is a natural order - a moral world without domination or submission - a world of Free Will Right. But dark care - and submission to it - places the dominant ego in place of nature and Creation. This egoic ‘order’ is a shrivelled and desolate parody of natural order.
The vanishingly small gaggle of psychopathic and parasitic megalomaniacs who play one side of this game are not our real problem. Without our submission, there can be no domination. In heaven, a ‘megalomaniac’ is simply a harmless lunatic - because no one buys their narrative of domination. True Sovereignty; complete alignment of purpose under Natural Law; Free Will Right - means no masters and no slaves. It means no compromise - no room for the violation of Right - ever! It requires that you and I acknowledge and honour our personal response ability to end any and all such violations. Nothing less will suffice.
All tyranny is the same. A miniscule minority say things - and a massive majority accept, enact and collude with them. Ignore-ance and egoic comfort lead to ever deeper enslavement. It is a simple question of numbers. When humanity Cares enough to face Truth - to really follow conscience - our freedom is a short global revelation away.
The understanding of Natural Law and the widespread propagation of the same is the ONLY solution to the dominant/ submissive impulse that has plagued humanity throughout history.
Our own laziness, cowardliness, ignorance, arrogance and selfishness are the direct causes of our enslavement. There is no getting away with it. We are culpable, like it or not. This is Natural Law. Our world can only become moral through the re-cognition of Moral Law. In a world as long degraded as ours, the clean up, the transition that is required, can seem almost unimaginable. Yet it’s as simple and as evident as this:
A moral world requires moral behaviour.
We are powerfully imprisoned in these dark ages simply by the terms in which we have been conditioned to think.
~ Buckminster Fuller
In a Careless age, it takes a great and ongoing effort of will and imagination to perceive and see beyond personal and multi-generational trauma - to dare to dream and to venture from the deeply ingrained illusion of safety within the demented and cowardly husk that passes for civilisation. Humane beings are desensitized and conditioned to expect, accept and exhibit the Carelessness that engulfs and permeates our societies and psyches at the deepest levels.
Yet freedom, response ability and True Care remain our birthright and within our capacity to achieve. We are morally obliged to seek out the moral path and to walk it. To deny our inherent capacity for True Care by failing to seek and speak Truth is our personal and ongoing act of Carelessness; our insult to the Creation and ourselves; our profound contribution to Evil which, in turn, cannot possibly escape the Law of Karma. It’s up to us. Every moral compromise violates and limits Free Will Right, destroying freedom and directly causing all unnecessary suffering.
The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Carelessness itself is delusion, ultimately deriving from fear, self-loathing and the hallucination of separation. If an individual’s moral sense survives the previously described ordeal presented by the dichotomy of the moral and social compasses, it will likely be belittled, ignored and finally smashed into submission through an avalanche of other causes: basic survival imperatives; physical displacement and the erasure of context and the past; grotesque and brazen violence and threat; inequity and injustice without end; generalised fear and anxiety; parents and carers who are themselves spiritual children without ambition for betterment or any understanding of Natural Law; the incessant shitification of everything; algorithmic and societal tribal echo chambers and ideological submission of the mind; unexamined personal and collective trauma; generalised solipsism, materialism, nihilism, hedonism, narcissism and psychopathic entrainment; a collective fantasy of external authority enshrined in a demented state and media structure which normalises and wallows in agony, dysfunction, abuse, idiocy, false dialectic, banality, degeneracy and wanton violation of all that is humane, beautiful and philosophical.
The hallucination of separation is ridiculous. We are not isolated and can never be. The egoic mantra: dominate or be enslaved, is simply a fearful child’s misunderstanding: we are one - no matter how much we are two. ‘Freedom’ gained at the expense of another’s enslavement is, at its root, oxymoronic: freedom is absolute. ‘Win Or Lose’ is the antithesis of reason and the middle path. The violation of Free Will Right is degradation and denial of the Higher Self. To repeat: the ultimate achievement of the individual conscience is universal enlightenment.
We inhabit a world in which fake submission to fake external authority is near universal. A world in which a global class of thugs known as the police and military perpetuate the threat of violence based on unquestioning obedience to man’s law and complete denial of Moral Law and innate culpability. An age in which minds are so twisted out of shape that this enduring outrage against The True Law is perceived by most as Lawful, normal, acceptable, and even desirable and moral. This inversion is how the violation of The Law is perpetrated so systematically and ‘successfully’: through the collusion of the masses. We carry the can and are receiving the karmic result right now. Elitist con artists need do very little to maintain this grotesque parody of social order and therefore receive little in terms of a karmic result.
Our Carelessness is the cause of our suffering.
Are those without Care deserving of Care?
In the final instalment of this series, I’ll look at supremacism, the impossibility of external authority, and return to the two essential aspects of Right Action.
All my creative and philosophical efforts are freely offered. Your one-off and especially recurring contributions - however small - make a huge impact on my ability to focus energy creatively.
If you feel so inspired, you can join others who are already active in discussing and promoting the understanding of Natural Law, via the Telegram group and weekly discussions, all in my links below.
Excellent points. I could read 12 more of these natural law posts. Looking deeper at the root causes, rather than merely the effects, is a fascinating process.